The 12 Steps and Their Importance to Recovery

It is a very difficult process to break an addiction; however, people who are working toward recovery often find that the support of others, coupled with a structured plan for recovery, is the best route for them to take. There are many different 12 Step programs that exist to help people work toward their goals. The 12 steps are designed to help individuals overcome their addiction by recognising their power. Although it references God, you do not have to be religious.

12 step program

The program is designed to be a continuous and repetitive process to help strengthen recovery. Many people continue participating in meetings once they finish the steps because it helps them stay focused on sobriety. While 12-step programs are based in spiritual principles, the language of God as a “higher power” emphasizes how each member recognizes it, allowing for different interpretations and beliefs.

The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous

Many outpatient programs offer meetings on site, but if not, will ask clients to regularly attend local meetings. Those who are involved in sober living programs can either be required to attend 12-Step meetings based on the rules of the house, or are simply encouraged to attend them at their leisure. Meetings typically last 1-1.5 hours and start with a reading to give the meeting a focus. Individuals find their way to fellowship meetings in different ways. In some instances, a person may start going to meetings while in a drug program. Most every rehab program in America involves mutual aid meetings; they usually follow the 12-Step model, but may not be part of the Anonymous fellowship.

  • In order to enjoy life in recovery, one must find the tools necessary to achieve long-lasting sobriety.
  • It was also revised to make clear that the Cochrane review of 2020 superseded the findings of the 2006 review.
  • Dodes estimates the success rate of 12-step fellowships to stand at roughly 5-8%.
  • Buchman reportedly felt the communications between himself and a higher power open up again.

While some members do believe in a traditional God, others believe in karma, earth, science, mother nature, the universe, humanity at large or even their recovery fellowship as a healing power. This program is focused on helping people overcome addictions by focusing on their values and integrity rather than embracing a higher power. It encourages members to make sobriety the top priority in their life and take whatever steps they need to stay on the path to recovery. While 12-step recovery programs can be helpful, they are not always the best choice for everyone.


In addition to mutual support groups, whether they are 12-step programs or an alternative approach, getting professional treatment can significantly improve a person’s chances of recovery. Depending on an individual’s needs, such treatments may involve therapy, medications, or inpatient/outpatient rehab. Talk to your doctor about which options might be suitable for your needs. Just as the 12 steps outline the path to recovery for individuals struggling with addiction, there are also 12 Traditions that are the spiritual principles behind the 12 steps. These traditions help guide how 12 step recovery programs operate.

  • Our admissions team works to find the right match for all who call us for help.
  • One such man was Bill W., a former Wall Street stockbroker who had a history of alcoholism.
  • According to the 12-step philosophy, recovery entails acknowledging your personal shortcomings so that you can change them.
  • As Dr. Bob was also experiencing alcoholism, the two men found that they could help each other stay sober.
  • Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.

Filling out yet more worksheets, I was reminded of a family member rubbing the nose of my childhood kitten in its own shit. “Describe how your using caused you harm,” the worksheet asked. “Describe three times your using led you to break your own moral code.” A lot of the time, stumped for answers, I would shoehorn in anything, hoping the act of confession alone would keep me clean. Programs are peer-based and led by a member of the program. Leaders are often individuals who have a significant amount of time in recovery.

The Point is Recovery Podcast

You can take on a job at the meetings, such as making coffee, setting up or breaking down the chairs, or driving someone who does not have transportation to and from meetings. You are accountable to your sponsor to complete your step work. Additionally, there are 12-step programs available to those who have been affected by an addict’s behaviors, such as family and friends. People interested in partaking should speak with a relevant organization or healthcare professional about ways in which to treat and manage their substance and alcohol use disorders. Membership in one of the groups changes a person’s social network. It reduces the number of people in their life who engage in substance misuse while increasing those who abstain from it.

12 step program

Compared to the usual referral practice in the clinics, those in the intensive referral group intervention attended more substance-focused and dual-disorders-focused self-help meetings and had less drug use and better psychiatric outcomes at a 6-month follow-up. A 12-Step program provides a supportive and safe place to learn and share knowledge with others in similar situations and circumstances as you build bonds and strengthen your support system. At meetings, participants share their feelings and experiences with drugs, alcohol, and addiction. Program participants work through the 12 steps, making needed personal changes to overcome their addiction. Although such mutual support groups are readily available, an important question is whether they are effective in achieving their goal of members becoming alcohol and drug free.

The Twelve Steps

Steps 1, 2, and 3 are considered the foundation of a 12-Step program and are recommended to practice daily. Our client’s participation in 12 step programs help inform much of our clinical approach at Turning Point of Tampa and function as a framework to help clients recover. Clients will experience the steps at many different stages in their journey at Turning Point.

12 step program